Go to the documentation of this file.
1034 "createdDate" =>
1036 "lastModifiedDate" =>
1038 "customForm" =>
1040 "entity" =>
1042 "vatRegNum" =>
1044 "tranDate" =>
1046 "tranId" =>
1048 "source" =>
1050 "createdFrom" =>
1052 "postingPeriod" =>
1054 "department" =>
1056 "class" =>
1058 "location" =>
1060 "leadSource" =>
1062 "subsidiary" =>
1064 "salesRep" =>
1066 "partner" =>
1068 "contribPct" =>
1070 "otherRefNum" =>
1074 "salesEffectiveDate" =>
1076 "refundCheck" =>
1078 "toPrint2" =>
1080 "excludeCommission" =>
1082 "totalCostEstimate" =>
1084 "estGrossProfit" =>
1086 "estGrossProfitPercent" =>
1088 "account" =>
1090 "currency" =>
1092 "exchangeRate" =>
1094 "currencyName" =>
1096 "promoCode" =>
1098 "discountItem" =>
1100 "discountRate" =>
1102 "isTaxable" =>
1104 "taxItem" =>
1106 "taxRate" =>
1108 "toBePrinted" =>
1110 "toBeEmailed" =>
1112 "email" =>
1114 "toBeFaxed" =>
1118 "messageSel" =>
1120 "message" =>
1122 "billingAddress" =>
1124 "billAddressList" =>
1126 "shipMethod" =>
1128 "shippingTaxCode" =>
1130 "shippingTax1Rate" =>
1132 "shippingTax2Rate" =>
1134 "shippingCost" =>
1136 "handlingTaxCode" =>
1138 "handlingTax1Rate" =>
1140 "handlingTax2Rate" =>
1142 "handlingCost" =>
1144 "salesGroup" =>
1146 "syncSalesTeams" =>
1148 "paymentMethod" =>
1150 "revenueStatus" =>
1152 "recognizedRevenue" =>
1154 "deferredRevenue" =>
1156 "revRecOnRevCommitment" =>
1158 "creditCard" =>
1160 "chargeIt" =>
1162 "ccNumber" =>
1164 "ccExpireDate" =>
1166 "ccName" =>
1168 "ccStreet" =>
1170 "ccZipCode" =>
1172 "ccApproved" =>
1174 "creditCardProcessor" =>
1176 "debitCardIssueNo" =>
1178 "pnRefNum" =>
1180 "validFrom" =>
1182 "payPalTranId" =>
1184 "subTotal" =>
1186 "ccIsPurchaseCardBin" =>
1188 "discountTotal" =>
1190 "ccProcessAsPurchaseCard" =>
1192 "taxTotal" =>
1194 "tax2Total" =>
1196 "altShippingCost" =>
1198 "payPalStatus" =>
1200 "altHandlingCost" =>
1204 "payPalAuthId" =>
1206 "status" =>
1208 "job" =>
1210 "giftCert" =>
1212 "giftCertTotal" =>
1214 "giftCertApplied" =>
1216 "giftCertAvailable" =>
1218 "tranIsVsoeBundle" =>
1220 "payPalProcess" =>
1222 "vsoeAutoCalc" =>
1224 "syncPartnerTeams" =>
1226 "itemList" =>
1228 "salesTeamList" =>
1230 "partnersList" =>
1232 "customFieldList" =>
1234 "internalId" =>
1236 "externalId" =>