Go to the documentation of this file.
1534 "createdDate" =>
1536 "lastModifiedDate" =>
1538 "customForm" =>
1540 "entity" =>
1542 "tranDate" =>
1544 "tranId" =>
1546 "source" =>
1548 "postingPeriod" =>
1550 "createdFrom" =>
1552 "opportunity" =>
1554 "department" =>
1556 "class" =>
1558 "location" =>
1560 "subsidiary" =>
1562 "salesRep" =>
1564 "contribPct" =>
1566 "partner" =>
1568 "leadSource" =>
1570 "startDate" =>
1572 "endDate" =>
1574 "otherRefNum" =>
1578 "salesEffectiveDate" =>
1580 "excludeCommission" =>
1582 "revRecSchedule" =>
1584 "undepFunds" =>
1586 "currency" =>
1588 "account" =>
1590 "revRecStartDate" =>
1592 "revRecEndDate" =>
1594 "totalCostEstimate" =>
1596 "estGrossProfit" =>
1598 "estGrossProfitPercent" =>
1600 "exchangeRate" =>
1602 "currencyName" =>
1604 "promoCode" =>
1606 "discountItem" =>
1608 "discountRate" =>
1610 "isTaxable" =>
1612 "taxItem" =>
1614 "taxRate" =>
1616 "toBePrinted" =>
1618 "toBeEmailed" =>
1620 "toBeFaxed" =>
1624 "messageSel" =>
1626 "message" =>
1628 "billingAddress" =>
1630 "billAddressList" =>
1632 "shippingAddress" =>
1634 "shipIsResidential" =>
1636 "shipAddressList" =>
1640 "shipDate" =>
1642 "shipMethod" =>
1644 "shippingCost" =>
1646 "shippingTax1Rate" =>
1648 "shippingTax2Rate" =>
1650 "shippingTaxCode" =>
1652 "handlingTaxCode" =>
1654 "handlingTax1Rate" =>
1656 "handlingCost" =>
1658 "handlingTax2Rate" =>
1660 "linkedTrackingNumbers" =>
1662 "trackingNumbers" =>
1664 "salesGroup" =>
1666 "revenueStatus" =>
1668 "recognizedRevenue" =>
1670 "deferredRevenue" =>
1672 "revRecOnRevCommitment" =>
1674 "syncSalesTeams" =>
1676 "paymentMethod" =>
1678 "payPalStatus" =>
1680 "creditCard" =>
1682 "ccNumber" =>
1684 "ccExpireDate" =>
1686 "ccName" =>
1688 "ccStreet" =>
1690 "ccZipCode" =>
1692 "creditCardProcessor" =>
1694 "ccApproved" =>
1696 "authCode" =>
1698 "ccAvsStreetMatch" =>
1700 "ccAvsZipMatch" =>
1702 "isRecurringPayment" =>
1704 "payPalTranId" =>
1706 "subTotal" =>
1708 "ccIsPurchaseCardBin" =>
1710 "ignoreAvs" =>
1712 "ccProcessAsPurchaseCard" =>
1714 "itemCostDiscount" =>
1716 "itemCostDiscRate" =>
1718 "itemCostDiscAmount" =>
1720 "itemCostTaxRate1" =>
1722 "itemCostTaxRate2" =>
1724 "itemCostDiscTaxable" =>
1726 "itemCostTaxCode" =>
1728 "itemCostDiscTax1Amt" =>
1730 "itemCostDiscPrint" =>
1732 "expCostDiscount" =>
1734 "expCostDiscRate" =>
1736 "expCostDiscAmount" =>
1738 "expCostDiscTaxable" =>
1740 "expCostDiscprint" =>
1742 "expCostTaxRate1" =>
1744 "timeDiscount" =>
1746 "expCostTaxCode" =>
1748 "timeDiscRate" =>
1750 "expCostTaxRate2" =>
1752 "expCostDiscTax1Amt" =>
1754 "timeDiscAmount" =>
1756 "timeDiscTaxable" =>
1758 "timeDiscPrint" =>
1760 "discountTotal" =>
1762 "taxTotal" =>
1764 "timeTaxRate1" =>
1766 "altShippingCost" =>
1768 "timeTaxCode" =>
1770 "altHandlingCost" =>
1774 "timeDiscTax1Amt" =>
1776 "ccSecurityCode" =>
1778 "timeTaxRate2" =>
1780 "ccSecurityCodeMatch" =>
1782 "chargeIt" =>
1784 "debitCardIssueNo" =>
1786 "threeDStatusCode" =>
1788 "pnRefNum" =>
1790 "paypalAuthId" =>
1792 "status" =>
1794 "paypalProcess" =>
1796 "job" =>
1798 "billingSchedule" =>
1800 "email" =>
1802 "tax2Total" =>
1804 "validFrom" =>
1806 "vatRegNum" =>
1808 "giftCertApplied" =>
1810 "tranIsVsoeBundle" =>
1812 "vsoeAutoCalc" =>
1814 "syncPartnerTeams" =>
1816 "salesTeamList" =>
1818 "partnersList" =>
1820 "itemList" =>
1822 "itemCostList" =>
1824 "giftCertRedemptionList" =>
1826 "expCostList" =>
1828 "timeList" =>
1830 "shipGroupList" =>
1832 "customFieldList" =>
1834 "internalId" =>
1836 "externalId" =>