Go to the documentation of this file.
614 "job" =>
616 "item" =>
620 "quantityAvailable" =>
622 "quantityOnHand" =>
624 "quantityFulfilled" =>
626 "quantity" =>
628 "units" =>
630 "inventoryDetail" =>
632 "serialNumbers" =>
634 "binNumbers" =>
636 "description" =>
638 "price" =>
644 "orderLine" =>
646 "licenseCode" =>
648 "isTaxable" =>
650 "options" =>
652 "deferRevRec" =>
654 "currentPercent" =>
656 "department" =>
658 "percentComplete" =>
660 "class" =>
662 "location" =>
664 "revRecSchedule" =>
666 "revRecStartDate" =>
668 "revRecEndDate" =>
670 "grossAmt" =>
672 "costEstimateType" =>
674 "excludeFromRateRequest" =>
676 "catchUpPeriod" =>
678 "costEstimate" =>
680 "amountOrdered" =>
682 "tax1Amt" =>
684 "quantityOrdered" =>
686 "quantityRemaining" =>
688 "taxCode" =>
690 "taxRate1" =>
692 "taxRate2" =>
694 "giftCertFrom" =>
696 "giftCertRecipientName" =>
698 "giftCertRecipientEmail" =>
700 "giftCertMessage" =>
702 "giftCertNumber" =>
704 "shipGroup" =>
706 "itemIsFulfilled" =>
708 "shipAddress" =>
710 "shipMethod" =>
712 "vsoeSopGroup" =>
714 "vsoeIsEstimate" =>
716 "vsoePrice" =>
718 "vsoeAmount" =>
720 "vsoeAllocation" =>
722 "vsoeDeferral" =>
724 "vsoePermitDiscount" =>
726 "vsoeDelivered" =>
728 "chargeType" =>
730 "chargesList" =>
732 "customFieldList" =>