Go to the documentation of this file.
574 "createdDate" =>
576 "lastModifiedDate" =>
578 "customForm" =>
580 "arAcct" =>
582 "customer" =>
584 "balance" =>
586 "pending" =>
588 "currency" =>
590 "payment" =>
592 "autoApply" =>
594 "tranDate" =>
596 "tranId" =>
598 "postingPeriod" =>
600 "paymentMethod" =>
602 "ccIsPurchaseCardBin" =>
606 "ccProcessAsPurchaseCard" =>
608 "checkNum" =>
610 "currencyName" =>
612 "exchangeRate" =>
614 "creditCard" =>
616 "chargeIt" =>
618 "ccNumber" =>
620 "ccExpireDate" =>
622 "ccName" =>
624 "ccStreet" =>
626 "ccZipCode" =>
628 "ccApproved" =>
630 "authCode" =>
632 "ccAvsStreetMatch" =>
634 "ccAvsZipMatch" =>
636 "isRecurringPayment" =>
638 "ccSecurityCode" =>
640 "ignoreAvs" =>
642 "ccSecurityCodeMatch" =>
644 "threeDStatusCode" =>
646 "pnRefNum" =>
648 "creditCardProcessor" =>
650 "debitCardIssueNo" =>
652 "validFrom" =>
654 "undepFunds" =>
656 "account" =>
660 "subsidiary" =>
662 "applied" =>
664 "unapplied" =>
666 "class" =>
668 "department" =>
670 "location" =>
672 "status" =>
674 "applyList" =>
676 "creditList" =>
678 "depositList" =>
680 "customFieldList" =>
682 "internalId" =>
684 "externalId" =>