Go to the documentation of this file.
904 "createdDate" =>
906 "lastModifiedDate" =>
908 "entity" =>
910 "job" =>
912 "tranDate" =>
914 "tranId" =>
916 "source" =>
918 "customForm" =>
920 "currency" =>
924 "entityStatus" =>
926 "probability" =>
928 "includeInForecast" =>
930 "forecastType" =>
932 "opportunity" =>
934 "department" =>
936 "class" =>
938 "terms" =>
940 "dueDate" =>
942 "location" =>
944 "subsidiary" =>
946 "billingSchedule" =>
948 "status" =>
950 "salesRep" =>
952 "partner" =>
954 "contribPct" =>
956 "leadSource" =>
958 "expectedCloseDate" =>
960 "otherRefNum" =>
964 "endDate" =>
966 "startDate" =>
968 "totalCostEstimate" =>
970 "estGrossProfit" =>
972 "estGrossProfitPercent" =>
974 "createdFrom" =>
976 "exchangeRate" =>
978 "currencyName" =>
980 "promoCode" =>
982 "discountItem" =>
984 "discountRate" =>
986 "isTaxable" =>
988 "taxItem" =>
990 "taxRate" =>
992 "vatRegNum" =>
994 "toBePrinted" =>
996 "toBeEmailed" =>
1000 "toBeFaxed" =>
1004 "visibleToCustomer" =>
1006 "messageSel" =>
1008 "message" =>
1010 "billingAddress" =>
1012 "billAddressList" =>
1014 "shippingAddress" =>
1016 "shipIsResidential" =>
1018 "shipAddressList" =>
1022 "shipDate" =>
1024 "shipMethod" =>
1026 "shippingCost" =>
1028 "shippingTax1Rate" =>
1030 "shippingTaxCode" =>
1032 "shippingTax2Rate" =>
1034 "handlingTaxCode" =>
1036 "handlingTax1Rate" =>
1038 "handlingCost" =>
1040 "trackingNumbers" =>
1042 "handlingTax2Rate" =>
1044 "linkedTrackingNumbers" =>
1046 "salesGroup" =>
1048 "syncSalesTeams" =>
1050 "altSalesTotal" =>
1052 "subTotal" =>
1054 "discountTotal" =>
1056 "taxTotal" =>
1058 "altShippingCost" =>
1060 "altHandlingCost" =>
1064 "tax2Total" =>
1066 "itemList" =>
1068 "salesTeamList" =>
1070 "syncPartnerTeams" =>
1072 "partnersList" =>
1074 "shipGroupList" =>
1076 "customFieldList" =>
1078 "internalId" =>
1080 "externalId" =>