Go to the documentation of this file.
1354 "createdDate" =>
1356 "lastModifiedDate" =>
1358 "customForm" =>
1360 "nextApprover" =>
1362 "entity" =>
1364 "tranDate" =>
1366 "tranId" =>
1368 "source" =>
1370 "createdFrom" =>
1372 "postingPeriod" =>
1374 "opportunity" =>
1376 "department" =>
1378 "class" =>
1380 "terms" =>
1382 "location" =>
1384 "subsidiary" =>
1386 "currency" =>
1388 "dueDate" =>
1390 "discountDate" =>
1392 "discountAmount" =>
1394 "salesRep" =>
1396 "contribPct" =>
1398 "partner" =>
1400 "leadSource" =>
1402 "startDate" =>
1404 "endDate" =>
1406 "otherRefNum" =>
1410 "salesEffectiveDate" =>
1412 "excludeCommission" =>
1414 "totalCostEstimate" =>
1416 "estGrossProfit" =>
1418 "estGrossProfitPercent" =>
1420 "revRecSchedule" =>
1422 "revRecStartDate" =>
1424 "revRecEndDate" =>
1426 "amountPaid" =>
1428 "amountRemaining" =>
1430 "balance" =>
1432 "account" =>
1434 "onCreditHold" =>
1436 "exchangeRate" =>
1438 "currencyName" =>
1440 "promoCode" =>
1442 "discountItem" =>
1444 "discountRate" =>
1446 "isTaxable" =>
1448 "taxItem" =>
1450 "taxRate" =>
1452 "toBePrinted" =>
1454 "toBeEmailed" =>
1456 "toBeFaxed" =>
1460 "messageSel" =>
1462 "message" =>
1464 "billingAddress" =>
1466 "billAddressList" =>
1468 "shippingAddress" =>
1470 "shipIsResidential" =>
1472 "shipAddressList" =>
1476 "shipDate" =>
1478 "shipMethod" =>
1480 "shippingCost" =>
1482 "shippingTax1Rate" =>
1484 "shippingTax2Rate" =>
1486 "shippingTaxCode" =>
1488 "handlingTaxCode" =>
1490 "handlingTax1Rate" =>
1492 "handlingCost" =>
1494 "handlingTax2Rate" =>
1496 "trackingNumbers" =>
1498 "linkedTrackingNumbers" =>
1500 "salesGroup" =>
1502 "subTotal" =>
1504 "revenueStatus" =>
1506 "recognizedRevenue" =>
1508 "deferredRevenue" =>
1510 "revRecOnRevCommitment" =>
1512 "syncSalesTeams" =>
1514 "discountTotal" =>
1516 "taxTotal" =>
1518 "altShippingCost" =>
1520 "altHandlingCost" =>
1524 "status" =>
1526 "job" =>
1528 "billingSchedule" =>
1530 "email" =>
1532 "tax2Total" =>
1534 "vatRegNum" =>
1536 "expCostDiscount" =>
1538 "itemCostDiscount" =>
1540 "timeDiscount" =>
1542 "expCostDiscRate" =>
1544 "itemCostDiscRate" =>
1546 "timeDiscRate" =>
1548 "expCostDiscAmount" =>
1550 "expCostTaxRate1" =>
1552 "expCostTaxRate2" =>
1554 "itemCostDiscAmount" =>
1556 "expCostTaxCode" =>
1558 "expCostDiscTax1Amt" =>
1560 "itemCostTaxRate1" =>
1562 "timeDiscAmount" =>
1564 "itemCostTaxCode" =>
1566 "expCostDiscTaxable" =>
1568 "itemCostDiscTaxable" =>
1570 "itemCostTaxRate2" =>
1572 "itemCostDiscTax1Amt" =>
1574 "itemCostDiscPrint" =>
1576 "timeDiscTaxable" =>
1578 "timeTaxRate1" =>
1580 "expCostDiscPrint" =>
1582 "timeTaxCode" =>
1584 "timeDiscPrint" =>
1586 "giftCertApplied" =>
1588 "timeDiscTax1Amt" =>
1590 "tranIsVsoeBundle" =>
1592 "timeTaxRate2" =>
1594 "vsoeAutoCalc" =>
1596 "syncPartnerTeams" =>
1598 "salesTeamList" =>
1600 "partnersList" =>
1602 "itemList" =>
1604 "itemCostList" =>
1606 "giftCertRedemptionList" =>
1608 "expCostList" =>
1610 "timeList" =>
1612 "shipGroupList" =>
1614 "approvalStatus" =>
1616 "customFieldList" =>
1618 "internalId" =>
1620 "externalId" =>