Go to the documentation of this file.
504 "job" =>
506 "item" =>
508 "orderLine" =>
512 "quantity" =>
514 "quantityReceived" =>
516 "quantityBilled" =>
518 "units" =>
520 "inventoryDetail" =>
522 "description" =>
524 "serialNumbers" =>
526 "price" =>
532 "options" =>
534 "revRecTermInMonths" =>
536 "deferRevRec" =>
538 "isClosed" =>
540 "isDropShipment" =>
542 "catchUpPeriod" =>
544 "department" =>
546 "costEstimateType" =>
548 "costEstimate" =>
550 "class" =>
552 "location" =>
554 "revRecSchedule" =>
556 "revRecStartDate" =>
558 "revRecEndDate" =>
560 "taxCode" =>
562 "taxRate1" =>
564 "taxRate2" =>
566 "tax1Amt" =>
568 "grossAmt" =>
570 "isTaxable" =>
572 "giftCertFrom" =>
574 "giftCertRecipientName" =>
576 "giftCertRecipientEmail" =>
578 "giftCertMessage" =>
580 "giftCertNumber" =>
582 "vsoeSopGroup" =>
584 "vsoeIsEstimate" =>
586 "vsoePrice" =>
588 "vsoeAmount" =>
590 "altSalesAmt" =>
592 "vsoeAllocation" =>
594 "vsoeDeferral" =>
596 "vsoePermitDiscount" =>
598 "vsoeDelivered" =>
600 "customFieldList" =>