Netsutie PHP Toolkit
Static Public Attributes | |
static | $paramtypesmap |
![]() | |
static | $paramtypesmap |
![]() | |
static | $paramtypesmap |
Definition at line 8 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$accountingBook |
Definition at line 18 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$accountingBookAmortization |
Definition at line 28 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$accountingBookRevRecSchedule |
Definition at line 38 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$allowedShippingMethod |
Definition at line 48 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$alternateDemandSourceItem |
Definition at line 58 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$assetAccount |
Definition at line 68 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$atpLeadTime |
Definition at line 78 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$atpMethod |
Definition at line 88 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$autoLeadTime |
Definition at line 98 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$autoPreferredStockLevel |
Definition at line 108 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$autoReorderPoint |
Definition at line 118 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$availableToPartners |
Definition at line 128 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$averageCost |
Definition at line 138 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$backwardConsumptionDays |
Definition at line 148 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$basePrice |
Definition at line 158 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$billExchRateVarianceAcct |
Definition at line 168 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$billPriceVarianceAcct |
Definition at line 178 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$billQtyVarianceAcct |
Definition at line 188 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$binNumber |
Definition at line 198 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$binOnHandAvail |
Definition at line 208 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$binOnHandCount |
Definition at line 218 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$bomQuantity |
Definition at line 228 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$buildEntireAssembly |
Definition at line 238 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$buildTime |
Definition at line 248 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$buyItNowPrice |
Definition at line 258 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$category |
Definition at line 268 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$categoryPreferred |
Definition at line 278 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$class |
Definition at line 288 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$componentYield |
Definition at line 298 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$copyDescription |
Definition at line 308 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$correlatedItem |
Definition at line 318 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$correlatedItemCorrelation |
Definition at line 328 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$correlatedItemCount |
Definition at line 338 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$correlatedItemLift |
Definition at line 348 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$correlatedItemPurchaseRate |
Definition at line 358 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$cost |
Definition at line 368 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$costAccountingStatus |
Definition at line 378 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$costCategory |
Definition at line 388 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$costEstimate |
Definition at line 398 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$costEstimateType |
Definition at line 408 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$costingMethod |
Definition at line 418 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$countryOfManufacture |
Definition at line 428 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$created |
Definition at line 438 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$createJob |
Definition at line 448 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$customFieldList |
Definition at line 3018 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$custReturnVarianceAccount |
Definition at line 458 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$dateViewed |
Definition at line 468 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$daysBeforeExpiration |
Definition at line 478 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$defaultReturnCost |
Definition at line 488 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$defaultShippingMethod |
Definition at line 498 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$deferredExpenseAccount |
Definition at line 508 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$deferredRevenueAccount |
Definition at line 518 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$deferRevRec |
Definition at line 528 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$demandModifier |
Definition at line 538 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$demandSource |
Definition at line 548 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$demandTimeFence |
Definition at line 558 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$department |
Definition at line 568 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$departmentnohierarchy |
Definition at line 578 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$displayIneBayStore |
Definition at line 588 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$displayName |
Definition at line 598 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$distributionCategory |
Definition at line 608 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$distributionNetwork |
Definition at line 618 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$dontShowPrice |
Definition at line 628 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$eBayItemDescription |
Definition at line 638 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$eBayItemSubtitle |
Definition at line 648 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$eBayItemTitle |
Definition at line 658 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$ebayRelistingOption |
Definition at line 668 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$effectiveBomControl |
Definition at line 678 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$effectiveDate |
Definition at line 688 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$effectiveRevision |
Definition at line 698 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$endAuctionsWhenOutOfStock |
Definition at line 708 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$excludeFromSitemap |
Definition at line 718 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$expenseAccount |
Definition at line 728 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$externalId |
Definition at line 738 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$featuredDescription |
Definition at line 748 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$feedDescription |
Definition at line 758 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$feedName |
Definition at line 768 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$fixedLotSize |
Definition at line 778 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$forwardConsumptionDays |
Definition at line 788 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$fraudRisk |
Definition at line 798 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$froogleProductFeed |
Definition at line 808 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$fxCost |
Definition at line 818 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$gainLossAccount |
Definition at line 828 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$generateAccruals |
Definition at line 838 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$giftCertAuthCode |
Definition at line 848 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$giftCertEmail |
Definition at line 858 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$giftCertExpirationDate |
Definition at line 868 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$giftCertFrom |
Definition at line 878 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$giftCertMessage |
Definition at line 888 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$giftCertOriginalAmount |
Definition at line 898 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$giftCertRecipient |
Definition at line 908 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$hits |
Definition at line 918 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$imageUrl |
Definition at line 928 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$incomeAccount |
Definition at line 938 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$intercoExpenseAccount |
Definition at line 948 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$intercoIncomeAccount |
Definition at line 958 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$internalId |
Definition at line 968 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$inventoryLocation |
Definition at line 978 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$invtClassification |
Definition at line 988 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$invtCountInterval |
Definition at line 998 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$isAvailable |
Definition at line 1008 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$isDropShipItem |
Definition at line 1018 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$isFulfillable |
Definition at line 1028 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$isGcoCompliant |
Definition at line 1038 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$isInactive |
Definition at line 1048 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$isLotItem |
Definition at line 1058 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$isOnline |
Definition at line 1068 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$isSerialItem |
Definition at line 1078 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$isSpecialOrderItem |
Definition at line 1088 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$isSpecialWorkOrderItem |
Definition at line 1098 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$issueProduct |
Definition at line 1108 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$isTaxable |
Definition at line 1118 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$isVsoeBundle |
Definition at line 1128 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$isWip |
Definition at line 1138 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$itemId |
Definition at line 1148 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$itemUrl |
Definition at line 1158 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$lastInvtCountDate |
Definition at line 1168 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$lastPurchasePrice |
Definition at line 1178 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$lastQuantityAvailableChange |
Definition at line 1188 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$leadTime |
Definition at line 1198 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$liabilityAccount |
Definition at line 1208 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$listingDuration |
Definition at line 1218 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$location |
Definition at line 1228 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$locationAtpLeadTime |
Definition at line 1238 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$locationAverageCost |
Definition at line 1248 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$locationBinQuantityAvailable |
Definition at line 1258 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$locationBuildTime |
Definition at line 1268 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$locationCost |
Definition at line 1278 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$locationCostAccountingStatus |
Definition at line 1288 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$locationDefaultReturnCost |
Definition at line 1298 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$locationDemandSource |
Definition at line 1308 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$locationDemandTimeFence |
Definition at line 1318 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$locationFixedLotSize |
Definition at line 1328 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$locationInventoryCostTemplate |
Definition at line 1338 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$locationInvtClassification |
Definition at line 1348 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$locationInvtCountInterval |
Definition at line 1358 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$locationLastInvtCountDate |
Definition at line 1368 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$locationLeadTime |
Definition at line 1378 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$locationNextInvtCountDate |
Definition at line 1388 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$locationPeriodicLotSizeDays |
Definition at line 1398 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$locationPeriodicLotSizeType |
Definition at line 1408 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$locationPreferredStockLevel |
Definition at line 1418 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$locationQuantityAvailable |
Definition at line 1428 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$locationQuantityBackOrdered |
Definition at line 1438 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$locationQuantityCommitted |
Definition at line 1448 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$locationQuantityInTransit |
Definition at line 1458 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$locationQuantityOnHand |
Definition at line 1468 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$locationQuantityOnOrder |
Definition at line 1478 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$locationReOrderPoint |
Definition at line 1488 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$locationRescheduleInDays |
Definition at line 1498 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$locationRescheduleOutDays |
Definition at line 1508 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$locationSafetyStockLevel |
Definition at line 1518 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$locationSupplyLotSizingMethod |
Definition at line 1528 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$locationSupplyTimeFence |
Definition at line 1538 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$locationSupplyType |
Definition at line 1548 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$locationTotalValue |
Definition at line 1558 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$locBackwardConsumptionDays |
Definition at line 1568 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$locForwardConsumptionDays |
Definition at line 1578 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$manufacturer |
Definition at line 1588 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$manufacturerAddr1 |
Definition at line 1598 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$manufacturerCity |
Definition at line 1608 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$manufacturerState |
Definition at line 1618 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$manufacturerTariff |
Definition at line 1628 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$manufacturerTaxId |
Definition at line 1638 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$manufacturerZip |
Definition at line 1648 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$manufacturingChargeItem |
Definition at line 1658 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$matchBillToReceipt |
Definition at line 1668 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$memberItem |
Definition at line 1678 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$memberQuantity |
Definition at line 1688 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$metaTagHtml |
Definition at line 1698 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$minimumQuantity |
Definition at line 1708 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$modified |
Definition at line 1718 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$mossApplies |
Definition at line 1728 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$mpn |
Definition at line 1738 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$multManufactureAddr |
Definition at line 1748 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$nextagCategory |
Definition at line 1758 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$nextagProductFeed |
Definition at line 1768 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$nextInvtCountDate |
Definition at line 1778 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$noPriceMessage |
Definition at line 1788 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$numActiveListings |
Definition at line 1798 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$numberAllowedDownloads |
Definition at line 1808 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$numCurrentlyListed |
Definition at line 1818 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$obsoleteDate |
Definition at line 1828 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$obsoleteRevision |
Definition at line 1838 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$offerSupport |
Definition at line 1848 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$onlineCustomerPrice |
Definition at line 1858 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$onlinePrice |
Definition at line 1868 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$onSpecial |
Definition at line 1878 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$otherPrices |
Definition at line 1888 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$otherVendor |
Definition at line 1898 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$outOfStockBehavior |
Definition at line 1908 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$outOfStockMessage |
Definition at line 1918 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$overallQuantityPricingType |
Definition at line 1928 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$overheadType |
Definition at line 1938 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$pageTitle |
Definition at line 1948 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
static |
Definition at line 3022 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$parent |
Definition at line 1958 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$periodicLotSizeDays |
Definition at line 1968 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$periodicLotSizeType |
Definition at line 1978 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$preferenceCriterion |
Definition at line 1988 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$preferredBin |
Definition at line 1998 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$preferredLocation |
Definition at line 2008 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$preferredStockLevel |
Definition at line 2018 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$preferredStockLevelDays |
Definition at line 2028 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$pricesIncludeTax |
Definition at line 2038 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$pricingGroup |
Definition at line 2048 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$primaryCategory |
Definition at line 2058 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$prodPriceVarianceAcct |
Definition at line 2068 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$prodQtyVarianceAcct |
Definition at line 2078 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$purchaseDescription |
Definition at line 2088 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$purchaseOrderAmount |
Definition at line 2098 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$purchaseOrderQuantity |
Definition at line 2108 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$purchaseOrderQuantityDiff |
Definition at line 2118 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$purchasePriceVarianceAcct |
Definition at line 2128 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$purchaseUnit |
Definition at line 2138 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$quantityAvailable |
Definition at line 2148 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$quantityBackOrdered |
Definition at line 2158 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$quantityCommitted |
Definition at line 2168 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$quantityOnHand |
Definition at line 2178 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$quantityOnOrder |
Definition at line 2188 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$quantityPricingSchedule |
Definition at line 2198 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$receiptAmount |
Definition at line 2208 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$receiptQuantity |
Definition at line 2218 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$receiptQuantityDiff |
Definition at line 2228 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$reorderMultiple |
Definition at line 2238 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$reOrderPoint |
Definition at line 2248 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$rescheduleInDays |
Definition at line 2258 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$rescheduleOutDays |
Definition at line 2268 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$reservePrice |
Definition at line 2278 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$revRecSchedule |
Definition at line 2288 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$roundUpAsComponent |
Definition at line 2298 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$safetyStockLevel |
Definition at line 2308 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$safetyStockLevelDays |
Definition at line 2318 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$salesDescription |
Definition at line 2328 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$salesTaxCode |
Definition at line 2338 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$saleUnit |
Definition at line 2348 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$sameAsPrimaryBookAmortization |
Definition at line 2358 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$sameAsPrimaryBookRevRec |
Definition at line 2368 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$scheduleBCode |
Definition at line 2378 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$scheduleBNumber |
Definition at line 2388 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$scheduleBQuantity |
Definition at line 2398 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$scrapAcct |
Definition at line 2408 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$searchKeywords |
Definition at line 2418 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$seasonalDemand |
Definition at line 2428 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$sellOnEBay |
Definition at line 2438 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$serialNumber |
Definition at line 2448 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$serialNumberLocation |
Definition at line 2458 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$shipIndividually |
Definition at line 2468 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$shipPackage |
Definition at line 2478 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$shippingCarrier |
Definition at line 2488 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$shippingRate |
Definition at line 2498 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$shoppingDotComCategory |
Definition at line 2508 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$shoppingProductFeed |
Definition at line 2518 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$shopzillaCategoryId |
Definition at line 2528 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$shopzillaProductFeed |
Definition at line 2538 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$sitemapPriority |
Definition at line 2548 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$softDescriptor |
Definition at line 2558 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$startingPrice |
Definition at line 2568 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$stockDescription |
Definition at line 2578 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$stockUnit |
Definition at line 2588 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$storeDescription |
Definition at line 2598 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$storeDetailedDescription |
Definition at line 2608 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$storeDisplayImage |
Definition at line 2618 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$storeDisplayName |
Definition at line 2628 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$storeDisplayThumbnail |
Definition at line 2638 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$subsidiary |
Definition at line 2648 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$subType |
Definition at line 2658 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$supplyLotSizingMethod |
Definition at line 2668 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$supplyReplenishmentMethod |
Definition at line 2678 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$supplyTimeFence |
Definition at line 2688 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$supplyType |
Definition at line 2698 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$taxSchedule |
Definition at line 2708 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$thumbNailUrl |
Definition at line 2718 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$totalValue |
Definition at line 2728 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$trackLandedCost |
Definition at line 2738 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$transferPrice |
Definition at line 2748 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$type |
Definition at line 2758 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$unbuildVarianceAccount |
Definition at line 2768 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$unitsType |
Definition at line 2778 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$upcCode |
Definition at line 2788 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$urlComponent |
Definition at line 2798 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$useBins |
Definition at line 2808 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$useComponentYield |
Definition at line 2818 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$useMarginalRates |
Definition at line 2828 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$vendor |
Definition at line 2838 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$vendorCode |
Definition at line 2848 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$vendorCost |
Definition at line 2858 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$vendorCostEntered |
Definition at line 2868 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$vendorName |
Definition at line 2878 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$vendorPriceCurrency |
Definition at line 2888 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$vendorSchedule |
Definition at line 2898 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$vendReturnVarianceAccount |
Definition at line 2908 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$vsoeDeferral |
Definition at line 2918 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$vsoeDelivered |
Definition at line 2928 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$vsoePermitDiscount |
Definition at line 2938 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$vsoePrice |
Definition at line 2948 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$webSite |
Definition at line 2958 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$weight |
Definition at line 2968 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$weightUnit |
Definition at line 2978 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$wipAcct |
Definition at line 2988 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$wipVarianceAcct |
Definition at line 2998 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.
$yahooProductFeed |
Definition at line 3008 of file ItemSearchRowBasic.php.